//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2017.02.24 1. Compile Redatam WebServer with Embarcadero Rad Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 2 2. Fix output values with weight & tally 3. Improve get CAPTION from UNIVERSEFIXED Update current jquery: jquery-3.1.1.js jquery-ui-1.12.1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2016.09.23 1. Compile R+SP WebServer with Embarcadero Rad Studio 10 Berlin 2. New NMIR application with ALIAS (entities & variables) access and folders restructured in portuguese 3. Export Output Tables to xlsX formats, fix export decimals values and formats //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2016.08.11 1. Compile R+SP WebServer with Embarcadero Rad Studio 10 Seattle 2. New NMIR application with ALIAS (entities & variables) access and folders restructured 3. DATABASE without %INLPATH parameter, get folder from main inl 4. PAGETYPE=DisplayHtml by default NEWPAGE=YES 5. Improve search method of map files (shp) from different folders 6. Node Qts - Fix OPTIONS 7. Node Fraction - Fix PERCENT=YES (100%) or PERCENT=i ; where i is a integer value 8. Node Dictionary - Get Entities using Entity alias 9. Export Output Tables to xlsX formats 10. Improve export tables to PDF files Update current jquery: jquery-3.1.0.js jquery-ui-1.12.0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2015.06.10 1. Compile R+SP WebServer with Embarcadero Rad Studio XE7 2. Move the following parameters from main inl to Preferences.inl MAXLABELSIZE= SHOWPDF=YES|NO 3. Update this type of implementation: FORMATN=FORMAT_1 FILTERN=FILTER_1 By FMT=FORMAT_1 FIL=FILTER_1 4. In NodeType STATS, change: NODETYPE=FREQUENCY STATS=YES By NODETYPE=STATS 5. In NodeType AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MINIMUM or MAXIMUN change: TALCAPTION= TAL=TAL_AVG By AVGCAPTION= AVG=AVG_1 6. In NodeType COUNT change CNT by VAR //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.09.24 1. Multiple DATASETS DATASET=i ; i number of DATASET //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.07.08 Compile R+SP WebServer with Embarcadero Rad Studio XE6 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.06.09 1. Changes in pages: RpHeader.htm RpExpBlder.htm RpIndex.htm RpOutput.htm RpInputForm.htm RpOutputForm.htm RpSiteMain.htm RpEasyFreqInputForm.htm RpCmdSetInputForm.htm 2. Don't use any more: PORTALLEFTIMAGE= PORTALBACKGROUNDHEADERIMAGE= PORTALBACKGROUNDINDEXIMAGE= PORTALBACKGROUNDOUTPUTIMAGE= Background could be implemented use css Instead of PORTALLEFTIMAGE, see implementation of Panels.inl 3. Update this type of implementation: ROWN=ROW_GSEC By ROW=ROW_GSEC //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.04.16 Fixed problem downloading in PDF format //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.04.11 Add new page for Table presentation with style HTMLOUTPUTTABLE=RpOutputTable.htm css definitions in: red.table.css //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.04.10 All pages in Unicode format (UTF-8), it fix the problem to display special characters in (spanish, portuguese, french) languages. Add language parameter in the rest of input pages. Add new page for Multiple Crosstabs ( NODE=MULTICROSS ) like as MULTIFILTER RpMultiCrossInputForm.htm Styles include general sections like AREBREAK, FORMAT, PERCENT, etc. Update jquery.form.js to support IE8 Frequency, Crosstabs and MultiCross show the PERCENT Option in graph. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.02.06 Add language parameter in pages: RpFractionInputForm.htm RpQTSInputForm.htm RpEasyCrossInputForm.htm //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2014.01.27 Fixed some problems: 1. Display percent total PCT 2. Graph in 2D or 3D 3. GROUP categories with variable label (MultiFilter) 4. MultiFilter with WEIGTH 5. Show "Edit Selections" according a PREFERENCES SHOWEDITSEL= NO | YES (Default YES) Changes in pages: RpCmdSetInputForm.htm RpDictionaryOutputForm.htm RpEasyFreqInputForm.htm RpInputForm.htm RpSiteMain.htm RpInputSPCForm.htm Update current jquery: jquery-1.10.2.js jquery-ui-1.10.4 Update Redatam js to support new jquery: red.outputForm.js red.accordion.js Add new css style to display the report of dictionary: red.Output.css //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2013.08.21 Compile R+SP WebServer with Embarcadero Rad Studio XE2 Four modules: 1. RpWebUtilities Display Images and Pages. 2. RpWebServer Portal without access to databases, launch different types of web process and show portal in registered languages (ENG, ESP, PRT, FRA and IDN ). 3. RpWebStats Input, Compile & Run nodes (Stats, Frequency, CrossTab, AreaList, Fraction, Qts, Dictionary, CmdSet). 4. RpWebAggData MultiFilter Node to Aggegate & Micro Data. Changes in presentation of: RpEasyFreqInputForm.htm RpEasyCrossInputForm.htm RpEasyListInputForm.htm RpExpBlder.htm RpMultiFilterInputForm.htm Add new page for Basic Statistics RpStatsInputForm.htm //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2013.07.12 Update WebUtilities.exe Build over Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 Check access inside cgibin folder More user messages according to action type //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2013.06.07 Update current jquery: jquery-1.10.0.js Change name of all jquery calls to: and themes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2013.04.02 Update jquery to: jquery-1.9.1.js jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js (RpIndex - RpInputForm) jquery-ui-1.10.2.custom.min.js rest of files //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2012.10.16 Fix display Redatam program //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2012.10.12 Update jquery to: jquery-ui-1.9.0.custom.min.js jquery-1.8.2.js //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2012.05.10 Fix problem to show special characters like ñ, ó, etc. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2012.05.08 Update jquery to: jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.min.js jquery-1.7.2.js Fix bug with IE to refresh tables //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2012.02.29 Update jquery to: jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.min.js jquery-1.7.1.js //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2009.01.12 RpOutputForm.htm Change font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica by Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif in: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2009.01.20 RpMultiFilterInputForm.htm Add <#ITEMLISTPERCENT> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2009.07.09 Change font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica by Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif in: RpHeader.htm RpIndex.htm RpOutput.htm RpExpBlder.htm RpLogin.htm //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2009.07.29 Change font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif by Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana in: Default.htm Index.html RpHeader.htm RpIndex.htm RpOutput.htm RpExpBlder.htm RpLogin.htm //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2010.03.25 RpOutputForm.htm Add <#TABLEOUTSTYLE> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2010.06.10 RpEsyListInputForm.htm Add <#VARLISTTOTAL> Show Total for each row, YES/NO, default YES //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2010.07.13 Add in node STRUCTURE a default value for alignment ALIGN=LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2010.07.13 RpFractionInputForm.htm RpQTSInputForm.htm Delete entry for FORMATTITLE


//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2010.12.07 Before run WebServer, check the follow: Delete: File RpWebEngine.tto Folder RpBases\Tempo //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA 2011.01.25 RpMultiFilterInputForm.htm Add entries for TRITITLE and FILTTITLE



INL Declarations: TRIVARTITLE=Selecciones obligatorias FILTERTITLE=Selecciones opcionales //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------